Operando spectroscopy for functional materials
*Schlenker as corresponding author (†Invited material, §Equal authorship)
Principal Investigator at UW
46. *†"Selective kinetic control of interfacial charge transfer reactions in Si-composite anodes for Li-ion batteries" Cave, E.A.; Carr, T.A. and Schlenker, C.W., Energy Adv., 2024, 3, 2186 (Inside Front Cover and Invited Article)
45. *“Optically Gated Dissociation of a Heptazinyl Radical Liberates H• through a Reactive πσ* State” Wrigley, L.M.; Hwang,D.; Pios, Sebastian V. and Schlenker, C.W., ACS Phys. Chem Au 2024, 4, 6, 598–604 (Front cover)
44. *“Local Hydrogen Bonding Determines Branching Pathways in Intermolecular Heptazine Photochemistry” Hwang,D.; Wrigley, L.M.; Lee, M.; Sobolewski, A.L.;, Domcke, W. and Schlenker, C.W., J. Phys. Chem. B, 2023 127 (30), 6703-6713
43. *“Ion-Pairing Dynamics Revealed by Kinetically Resolved In Situ FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry during Lithium-Ion Storage.” Cave, E.A.; Olson, J.Z. and Schlenker, C.W., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2021 13 (41), 48546-48554
42. *†“Photochemistry of carbon nitrides and heptazine derivatives.” Hwang, D; and Schlenker, C.W., Chem. Commun., 2021, 57 (74), 9330-9353. (Front Cover and invited Feature Article)
41. *“Charge Trapping Dynamics Revealed in CH3NH3PbI3 by Ultrafast Multi-pulse Spectroscopy.” Pollock, T. and Schlenker, C. W., J. Phys. Chem. C, 2021, 125, 34, 18834–18840.
40. *"Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Tunes Vibronic Coupling in Heptazine Complexes" § Rabe, E.J.; § Goldwyn, H.J.; Hwang, D.; Masiello, D.J.; Schlenker, C. W., J. Phys. Chem. B. 2020, 124, 51, 11680–11689
39. †"Photooxidation of water with heptazine-based molecular photocatalysts: Insights from spectroscopy and computational chemistry," Domcke, W.; Sobolewski, A.L.; Schlenker, C. W., J. Chem. Phys. 153, 100902 (2020). (Front Cover and 'Featured' Perspective Article)
38. "Seeded Growth of Nanoscale Semiconductor Tetrapods: Generality and the Role of Cation Exchange," Enright, M. J.; Dou, F. Y.; Wu, S. Rabe, E. J.; Monahan, M.; Friedfeld, M. R.; Schlenker, C. W.; Cossairt, B. M., Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 11, 4774-4784
37. "Molecular Design of Heptazine-based Photocatalysts: Effect of Substituents on Photocatalytic Efficiency and Photostability," Ehrmaier, J.; Hwang, X.; Rabe, E.; Corp, K.; Sobolewski, A. L.; Schlenker, C. W.; Domcke, W., J. Phys. Chem. A., 2020, 124, 19, 3698-3710
36. *"Control of Excited-State Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer by Ultrafast Pump-Push-Probe Spectroscopy in Heptazine-Phenol Complexes: Implications for Photochemical Water Oxidation," Corp, K. L.; Rabe, E. J.; Huang, X.; Ehrmaier, J.; Kaiser, J. E.; Sobolewski, A. L.; Domcke, W.; Schlenker, C. W., J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 17, 9151-9160 . (Front Cover and ACS Editors' Choice)
35. *†"Heavy-Atom Free Red-to-Yellow Photon Upconversion in a Thiosquaraine Composite," Pristash, S.R.; Corp, K.L.; Rabe, E.J.; Schlenker, C.W., ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3,1, 19-28 (Front Cover of ACS AEM Young Investigator Forum special issue)
34. *"Barrierless Heptazine-Driven Excited-State Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer: Implications for Controlling Photochemistry of Carbon Nitrides and Aza-Arenes," § Rabe, E.J.; § Corp, K.L.; Huang, X.; Ehrmaier, J.; Flores, R. G.; Estes, S.L.; Sobolewski, A.L.; Domcke, W.; Schlenker, C.W., J. Phys. Chem. C., 2019, 123, 49, 29580-29588
33. "Singlet-Triplet Inversion in Heptazine and in Polymeric Carbon Nitrides," Ehrmaier, J.; Rabe, E.J.; Pristash, S.R.; Corp, K.L.; Schlenker, C.W.; Sobolewski, A.L.; Domcke, W., J. Phys. Chem. A., 2019, 123, 38, 8099-8108
32. * "Germanium Nanowire Battery Electrodes with Engineered Surface-Binder Interactions Exhibit Improved Cycle Life and High Energy Density Without Fluorinated Additives," § Pandres, E.P.; § Olson, J.Z.; Schlenker, C.W.; Holmberg, V.C., ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 9, 6200-6208
31. * "Electromodulation and Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Suggest Conduction Band Electron Lifetime, Electron Trapping Parameters, and CH3NH3PbI3 Solar Cell Fill Factor Are Correlated," Pollock, T.P.; Schlenker, C.W., J. Phys. Chem. C., 2019, 123, 30, 18160-18170
30. * "Stark Tuning Rates of Organic Carbonates Used in Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices," Olson, J.Z.; Schneider, S.H.; Johansson, P.K.; Luk, T.S.; Schlenker, C.W., J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019 123 (18), 11484-11492
29. * "Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer from Water to a Model Heptazine-Based Molecular Photocatalyst," Rabe, E.J.; Corp, K.L.; Sobolewski, A.L.; Domcke, W.; Schlenker, C.W., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9 (21), pp 6257–6261, 2018
28. *† "Excited-state Energies Drive Charge-transfer in Organic Semiconductors." Rabe, E. J. and Schlenker, C. W., In World Scientific Handbook of Organic Optoelectronic Devices, pp 89-120, 2018.
27. "Activationless Multiple-Site Concerted Proton-Electron Tunneling," Bowring, M.A. , Bradshaw, L.R., Parada, G.A., Pollock, T.P., Fernández-Terán, R.J., Kolmar, S.S., Mercado, B.Q., Schlenker, C.W., Gamelin, D.R., and Mayer, J.M., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140 (24), pp 7449–7452, 2018
26. "Preferential Charge Generation at Aggregate Sites in Narrow Band Gap Infrared Photoresponsive Polymer Semiconductors," Sulas, D.B.; London, A.E.; Huang, L.; Xu, L.; Wu, Z.; Ng, T.N.; Wong, B.M.; Schlenker, C.W.; Azoulay, J.D.; and Sfeir, M.Y., Adv. Opt. Mater., 6 (7), 1701138, 2018
25.* "Operando Sum-Frequency Generation Detection of Electrolyte Redox Products at active Si Nanoparticle Li-ion Battery Interfaces," Olson, J.Z.; Johansson, P.K.; Castner, D.G.; and Schlenker, C.W., Chem. Mater., 30 (4), pp 1239–1248, 2018
24.* "Kinetic Competition between Charge Separation and Triplet Formation in Small-Molecule Photovoltaic Blends," Sulas, D.W.; Rabe, E.J.; and Schlenker, C.W., J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (48), pp 26667–26676, 2017
23. "CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dot vertical cavity lasers with low threshold and high stability," Huang, C.-Y.; Zou, C.; Mao, C.; Corp, K.L.; Yao, Y.-C.; Lee, Y.-J.; Schlenker, C.W.; Jen, A.K. -Y.; and Lin, L., ACS Photonics, 4 (9), pp 2281–2289, 2017
22. * "Ultrafast spectroscopy reveals electron transfer cascade that improves hydrogen evolution with carbon nitride photocatalysts," Corp, K.L. and Schlenker, C.W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139 (23), 7904–7912, 2017 (JACS Young Investigators Virtual Issue)
21. *“Open-Circuit Voltage Losses in Selenium-Substituted Organic Photovoltaic Devices from Increased Density of Charge-Transfer States,” Sulas, D. B.; Yao, K.; Intemann, J.; Williams, S.; Li, C.-Z.; Chueh, C.-C.; Richards, J.; Xi, Y.; Pozzo, L. D.; Schlenker, C. W.; Jen, A. K.-Y.; Ginger, D. S., Chem. Mater., 27 (19), 6583–6591, 2015 (ACS Editors’ Choice)
20. “Modulation of Hybrid Organic–Perovskite Photovoltaic Performance by Controlling the Excited Dynamics of Fullerenes,” Li, C. Z.; Liang, P. W.; Sulas, D. B.; Nguyen, P. D.; Zang, Y.; Cho, N.; Huang, J.; Li, X.; Ginger, D. S.; Schlenker, C. W.; and Jen, A. K.-Y., Mater. Horiz., 2, 414 – 419, 2015
Earlier Work
19. “High-Dielectric Constant Photoactive Functional Side-chain Polymers for Controlling Charge Dynamics in Heterojunction Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells,” Cho, N.; Schlenker, C. W.; Knesting, K. M.; Koelsch, P.; Yip, H.-L.; Ginger, D. S.; and Jen, A. K.-Y., Adv. Energy Mater., 4, 1301857, 2014
18. “Size-Dependent Charge Transfer Yields in Conjugated Polymer/Quantum Dot Blends,” Nagaoka, H.; Colbert, A. E.; Strein, E.; Janke, E.; Salvador, M.; Schlenker, C. W.; Ginger, D. S., J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (11), 5710–5715, 2014
17. “ITO Interface Modifiers can Improve VOC in Polymer Solar Cells and Suppress Surface Recombination,” Knesting, K. M.; Ju, H.; Schlenker, C. W. Giordano, A. J. Garcia, A.; Smith, O.L.; Olson, D. C.; Marder, S. R.; Ginger, D. S., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4 (23), 4038-4044, 2013
16. This letter in Nature was featured by E&E News, PhysOrg, Science Daily, and other news outlets
“The Role of Spin for the Kinetic Control of Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics,” Rao, A.; Chow, P.; Gélinas, S.; Schlenker, C. W.; Li, C.-Z.; Yip, H.-L.; Jen, A. K-Y.; Ginger, D. S.; Friend, R. H., Nature, 500, 7463, 435–439, 2013
15. This article was selected for the RSC ‘Editor’s Choice’ list of recommended PV articles
“Charge Generation and Energy Transfer in Hybrid Polymer/Infrared Quantum Dot Solar Cells,” Strein, L.; Colbert, A. E.; Nagaoka, H.; Subramaniyan, S.; Schlenker, C. W.; Janke, E. M.; Jenekhe, S. A.; Ginger, D. S., Energy Environ. Sci., 6, 769-775, 2013
14. “Hole Transfer from Low Bandgap Quantum Dots to Conjugated Polymers in Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Photovoltaics,” Colbert, A. E.; Janke, E. M.; Hsieh, S. T.; Subramaniyan, S.; Schlenker, C. W.; Jenekhe, S. A.; and Ginger, D. S., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 280–284, 2013
13. “Photoinduced Hole Transfer Becomes Suppressed with Diminished Driving Force in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells While Electron Transfer Remains Active,” Ren, G.; Schlenker, C. W.; Ahmed, E.; Subramaniyan, S.; Olthof, S.; Kahn, A.; Ginger, D. S.; Jenekhe, S. A., Adv. Funct. Mater., 23, (10), 1238–1249, 2013
12. “Polymer Triplet Energy Levels Need Not Limit Photocurrent Collection in Organic Solar Cells,” Schlenker, C. W.; Chen, K.-S.; Yip, H.-L.; Li, C.-Z.; Ochsendbein, S.; Bradshaw, L.; Ding, F.; Li, X. S.; Gamelin, D. R.; Jen, A. K.-Y.; Ginger, D. S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134(48), 19661-19668, 2012
11. “Halogen-Free Solvent Processing for Sustainable Development of High Efficiency Organic Solar Cells,” Chen, K.-S.; Yip, H.-L.; Schlenker, C. W.; Ginger, D. S.; Jen, A. K.-Y., Org. Electron., 13, 2870-2878, 2012
10. “Porphyrins Fused with Unactivated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,” Diev, V. V.; Schlenker, C. W.; Hanson, K.; Zhong, Q.; Zimmerman, J. D.; Forrest, S. R.; and Thompson, M. E., J. Org. Chem., 77(1), 143-159, 2012
9. The most frequently downloaded article published in Chemistry of Materials, October 2011
“Cascade Organic Solar Cells,” Schlenker, C. W.; Barlier, V; Chin, S. W.; Whited, M. T.; McAnally, R. E.; Forrest, S. R.; and Thompson, M. E., Chem. Mater., 23(18), 4132–4140, 2011
8. “Reciprocal Carrier Collection in Organic Photovoltaics,” §Renshaw, C. K.; §Schlenker, C. W.; Thompson, M. E.; and Forrest, S. R., Phys. Rev. B, 84(4) 045315, 2011
7. “Acetylide-bridged Tetracene Dimers,” Barlier, V. S.; Schlenker, C. W.; Chin, S. W.; and Thompson, M. E., Chem. Commun., 47(13), 3754-3756, 2011
6. This Feature Article was on the front cover of Chemical Communications
†“The Molecular Nature of Photovoltage Losses in Organic Solar Cells,” Schlenker, C. W. and Thompson, M. E., Chem. Commun., 47(13), 3702-3716, 2011
5. “Observation of Triplet Exciton Formation in a Platinum Sensitized Organic Photovoltaic Device,” Roberts, S. T.; Schlenker, C. W.; Barlier, V.; McAnally, R. E.; Zhang, Y.; Mastron, J. N.; Thompson, M. E.; and Bradforth, S. E., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2(2), 48-54, 2011
4. “Singlet and Triplet Excitation Management in a Bichromophoric Near-Infrared-Phosphorescent BODIPY–Benzoporphyrin Platinum Complex,” Whited, M. T.;Djurovich, P. I.; Roberts, S. T.; Durrel, A. C.; Schlenker, C. W.; Bradforth, S. E.; and Thompson, M. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133(1), 88-96, 2011
3. This ACS Nano article has been cited over 1,000 times and featured on numerous science news sites
“Continuous, Highly Flexible, and Transparent Graphene Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition for Organic Photovoltaics,” Gomez De Arco, L.; Zhang, Y.; Schlenker, C. W.; Ryu, K.; Thompson, M. E.; and Zhou, C., ACS Nano, 4(5), 2865-2873, 2010
2. “Solution-Phase Synthesis of SnSe Nanocrystals for Use in Solar Cells,” Franzman, M. A.; Schlenker, C. W.; Thompson, M. E.; and Brutchey, R. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132(12), 4060-4061, 2010
1. “A Round Robin Study of Flexible Large-Area Roll-to-Roll Processed Polymer Solar Cell Modules,” Krebs, F. C.; Gevorgyan, S. A.; Gholamkhass, B.; Holdcroft, S.; Schlenker, C.; Thompson, M. E.; Thompson, B. C.; Olson, D.; Ginley, D. S.; Shaheen, S. E.; Alshareef, H. N.; Murphy, J. W.; Youngblood, W. J.; Heston, N. C.; Reynolds, J. R.; Jia, S.; Laird, D.; Tuladhar, S. M.; Dane, J. G. A.; Pedro Atienzar, Nelson, J.; Kroon, J. M.; Wienk, M. M.; Janssen, R. A. J.; Tvingstedt, K.; Zhang, F.; Andersson, M.; Inganäs, O.; Lira-Cantu, M.; de Bettignies, R.; Guillerez, S.; Aernouts, T.; Cheyns, D.; Lutsen, L.; Zimmermann, B.; Würfel, U.; Niggemann, M.; Schleiermacher, H.; Liska, P.; Grätzel, M.; Lianos, P.; Katz, E. A.; Lohwasser, W.; and Jannon, B., Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 93(11), 1968-1977, 2009
Book Chapters
1. “Current Challenges in Organic Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion,” Schlenker, C. W. and Thompson, M. E., Top. Curr. Chem., 312, 175-212, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012
1. “Organic Optoelectronic Device Employing Electrodes Comprising Nanotubes,” Zhang, D.; Ryu, K.; Liu, X.; Polikarpov, E.; Ly, J.; Thompson, M. E.; Zhou, C.; and Schlenker, C., U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. US 20080018232 A1 2008